This is industry wide and started about about 10 years ago. Ilsac rated oils are all of the 5-?, 10- ? weight oils. Search ILSAC oils and read away. There are numerous articles posted online along with who decided on the Ilsac system (car manufacturers). The bottom line is it all started when the CAFE ratings were first developed and the ensuing penalties/taxes for not reaching the required standards were instituted.
As per your question about varying oiil consumption: some burn oil because of being loose spec engines, some burn oil because of driving style and terrain, and others do not burn a drop.
Also, there are situations where if you run a non Ilsac oil, say a 15-40 diesel oil (my preference), sporadic or rpm related hydraulic lifter rattle will develop because the lifters are so tightly clearanced between the body and piston that the lifter can not bleed itself (retains some air).