Originally Posted by licxmar
Thank you Wyatt.
I don’t or I didn’t knew how to access the motor. I did found however that if take out the air vents from the passenger side, I can then remove that carpeted piece that hold them and that way I have access to the entire motor.
The noise is the same at all speeds and it is just annoying. If I cant take it off I will make a recording of it.
But it’s only making this sound when the fan is on, correct? In other words, if you turn the fan completely off, the noise stops, correct? If so, I can’t imagine that it’s not the fan motor itself.
Again, if you can get to the motor, try spraying where the fan spins in the bushing with silicone, and see if that stops, or even quiets it down.
I doubt that’s going to be the fix, but at least it will tell you that you may need a new fan.