Ouch! Hate to mention it but I think you are seeing the results of water getting in from the outside where it can get confusing because it may come in through a light or possibly the ladder, if I'm reading where you mention correctly. Then once in, it may find something solid like foam sheets and go a distance before it finds another point to get further and further inside.
We have found this around lights on a number of the older junkers we have"salvaged"over the years. The problem with leaks is that they tend to be slow but once inside and out of the sun and wind, the moisture can just set and work on anything wood it finds. One of those is the really thin plywood stuff RV are often lined with and it begins to delaminate and rot to make a really lumpy bumpy surface as it get in where we see it.
The inside is some form of plastic which makes it feel dry!
I might first guess at the taillight as being the suspect but it needs to be pulled and check what's up in that area? If the bulbholder is seriously corroded, water has been there!
Why no RV year, make and floorplan on MY signature as we suggest for others?
I currently DO NOT have one!