Looked at the drawings for that model and still not enough info!!
There are a couple different options but on either, I would guess that there are actually two different questions unless somebody has changed some wiring. The power should be a separate issue and then getting signal to the TV may be a coax wire or switch that needs to be checked.
Let start with the power first?
Do you know if you have and inverter? On the drawing here:
No inverter would be option "40A" but if you have inverter, it would be "40B" or "61E" if you have the 26 inch TV in front.
When I get one of these questions, I have to look at the drawing and actually look at the RV to see if I can find the drawing which matches what I have. For example, if no inverter, I check for receptacle at the bedroom, dinette and TV and see if one or more are missing power. If they are ALL out, I would check the power center (usebox?) to see if it has blown or tripped.
Now I have to throw in the disclaimer! I know that this can make sense or be totally "greek", so let me know where it fits for you and we can do some more looking--if needed. None of us is expected to know everything but reading this type of silly diagram is what I do a lot of everyday, so it is where I start.
Once you get the power on to the TV's we can sort for the signal. It's all there, just a bit hard to find.