Originally Posted by nova 42qd
A related question.
I am ready to park my MH for a couple of months. It will be in a heated garage with electric available. Is it best to keep it plugged in? It seems to me this would keep the batteries charged. On the other hand if I disconnect the chassis and house batteries they should be Ok for a couple of months in heated storage, correct?
The owner's manual isn't really clear on this. They caution about keeping it plugged in that the electrolyte could drop.
nova 42qd
For 17 years, my coach has always been plugged in, (except when we were traveling or boondocking).
The automatic 3 stage charger in my Freedom 20 inverter/charger, (properly set), has never failed to maintain a charge in my 4 12V deep cycle house batteries.
However, my inverter/charger does not charge the 2 "maintanace free" 12V chassis batteries...(I connect a BatteryMINDer:
Battery MINDer | 12v 1.3 Amp Battery Charger, Maintainer, & Conditioner, to the chassis batteries when the coach is "in storage").
I check the house battery electrolyte level every 3 months, (but I only need to add water every 6-9 months).
The original 6 batteries lasted 11 years. (the current set is 6 years old).
It's 22 degrees below zero, my coach is sitting next to my garage, connected to a 20A receptacle via a 50' 12ga extension cord, (and will be until mid February).
'96 Safari, 132k miles