2018 Vista 29VE Steps????
Maiden Voyage, ten hours from home and our steps failed to retract in Las Vegas. We made it to Camping World, 25 miles away and they diagnosed and ordered a new controller. We stayed an extra day and a half, and they were frankly just wonderful.
We were able to drive with them out as they don't hang as low as big Class As, thought te police did pull us over.
Turned out the door sensor was also bad, though it did check out ok with a magnet. Nothing they could do but install a rerouted switch in the entrance for us to manually operate.
They had another fix that would have dropped the steps when the door shut and lifted them when the door opens. Reverse.
So this works so far but is unsafe as we have toddler grandkids who we are traveling with who will find that switch, while they could be halfway in or out, standing on the steps.
I like this conscious control but I'd like a warning bell and a remote, lol.