Originally Posted by greenchicken
With a floor jack but it was not as easy as it should have retracted
Floor jack and it wasn't easy then and this is where it could be a bent issue though it does not appear to be and the shaft is clean and smooth
Ok so if you disconnected the hydraulic fitting at the top of the ram and it still took a floor jack to get the ram to retract then your problems are not likely with the pump or solenoid. It sounds to me like your ram needs to be rebuilt.
I have a 2002 Suncruiser with the HWH system and my left rear jack is also very difficult to get to retract and it's gotten much worse over the last 6 months. On multiple occasions I cleaned and lubricated the ram. I attempted to get any dirt built up in the lip seal out but there was no dirt in my lip seals that I could detect. I tried wd40, silicone spray, Aerokroil, Dextron 3 on a rag. Nothing improved the performance of the jack. A couple of weeks back I was determined to find the problem and fix it.
First I ran the ram down on a floor jack and used the jack to compress the ram. The ram was very stiff and slow to retract.
Next I removed the hydraulic fitting cap at the top of the ram to see if the ram would retract on it's own. Nope, still didn't move upward on it's own.
Next I put the jack under the ram and removed the cap again and attempted to get the jack to retract and found the ram was just as difficult to push up with the jack and hydraulic cap off as with the cap in place and the fluid going back to the reservoir.
My ram is not bent either. I used a machinists straight edge to check the ram from every angle. No bend what so ever.
My ram needs to be removed and serviced. This next week I am going to try to get the parts to service the ram then pull it off and rebuild it. I will post a thread on my progress when I get it all repaired. IF for some strange reason I can't repair it myself I will likely take it to a local hydraulic shop or send it off and have it repaired by an HWH service center.
Hope this helps