I did a search and found some info on the best location for other MHs but does anyone have any advice on where the best location is on the 2004 Journey? I'm looking at the roof above the driver's seat and coming down in the cabinet where the satellite/TV panel is. Does anyone know my chances of hitting a wire in this area or any better ideas?
I did a search and found some info on the best location for other MHs but does anyone have any advice on where the best location is on the 2004 Journey? I'm looking at the roof above the driver's seat and coming down in the cabinet where the satellite/TV panel is. Does anyone know my chances of hitting a wire in this area or any better ideas?
I put mine on the passenger side. I reached into the side cabinet over the door and was able to remove the partition that covers the speaker. You can see the roof and easily determine where to drill the hole. I then am able to coil up the antenna wire inside the cabinet when not in use. By the way, the antenna really helps in picking up weak signals.
What do you do when you just can't do what you do when you do what you do?
Slowdragon, I put all my antenna on the driver side to keep theem out of the bushes and
woods. I uses a side mounted antenna and come into a cabinet behind the driver.
Also use a top loaded antenna say a fiberglass, GODFATHER ---FIRESTICK or the like.
Say 2 or 3 ft. above the roof.
Just member put the big bucks into the antenna, no matter if you are going to run 1KW
or 4 watts. TENN.
We tried just the wilson antenna and found it only helped a little. After we added the amplifier is when we saw a big difference.
I did not want to hard mount mine so I store it in the front generator compartment and use some pvc poles to make it taller than the motorhome when we are parked. The only drawback is we can't use it while cruising down the road.
Well, after finally getting around to trying the install I found I had mistakenly ordered the mirror mount antenna. I was thinking of mounting it to the side but when I opened the small cabinet above the entry door I couldn't get the fabric cover off to determine if I was at the outside wall or whether there was a space.
So, I ordered the correct antenna and have a question for you folks. I opened the cabinet with the glass door to the right of the coach and the only accessible part of the roof from the inside is right in front of that black metal frame. It's a little further forward than the factory installed antenna and if I go right in front of the frame I seem to be off the downward slope at the front. Is this a reasonable place to mount it before I drill a big hole????