Originally Posted by skypilot
When I first got my Minnie 2201ds I hooked drinking water up to black tank flush and went back to do something else. When I went back outside I saw water running down out of covered underbelly beneath black tank. I realized what I had done and corrected it. I was tired after to long of drive. My question is does top of black tank have a valve that opens. I am trying to figure out where water escaped black tank. I am wondering if something was damaged during the over fill. Thanks. The connector are 2 inches apart
Well, if water was flowing into the underbelly, I would guess there is/was a significant leak. If the water/waste didn't vent through the toilet, vent, or dump valve, that leaves the flush plumbing or the tank itself. The tank flush plumbing is probably under your bathroom sink, and should include an anti-siphon valve.
If your leak is/was there, it should be no problem, as 1- it was only fresh water, and 2- it's east to get to. If it's the connection to the black tank, I suspect you will have to drop the chloroplast.
I had an issue where I was flushing my tank and looked over to see high pressure water spraying from the flushing hose attachment despite having the dump valve open. The problem was the dump station had a 1" pipe and extremely high water pressure, so the flush plumbing couldn't keep up. I just had to throttle the water back to a flow rate the plumbing could handle.