I've tried the Search feature and couldn't narrow down my results, I might be doing it wrong. We just bought a 1780. Does anyone here tow with an FJ Cruiser? I know that I'm within my weight limits but I'd like to hear about any personal experience or suggestions!
Would you say a 4Runner may be similar to an FJ Cruiser? I really don't know, but if so you might find more with that search.
I'm very happy with my 2108DS + Land Cruiser combination. Personally, I believe a weight distribution hitch with anti-sway is required as the wheelbase is pretty short compared to the Tundra trucks.
2019 Micro Minnie 2108DS with upgrades and mods here
2020 Toyota Land Cruiser, RedArc TowPro-Elite, Andersen 3380 WDH