I am pretty sure the air bags do not lower the frame of the coach when they are dumped. I am 99% sure that in another thread there was great debate about this and a member much smarter than me said the coach is separate from the frame and the air bags lower the box to the frame only.
And the distance the jacks travel does not change. Just adding this to maybe get a answer to what I think is right. D
My whole coach lowers about 3 inches when I dump the air in the bags.....also this allows for bout 3 inches less travel of the jacks to stabilize the coach....I have a Spartan chassis.
Thanks for all the info. Really love the coach so far. Our old Four Winds Infinity was a great traveler, but this is a whole new dimension in quality, complexity, and ride. Will have many more questions.
Found out that the front wheel position is not critical, as others have said.
We have an Ultimate. After 8 coaches We feel it's the best; I just hit the HWH, button Twice With the key on accs. It will do what needs to be done. IT well dump/leval With no more attention; When the coach sets for a while It is not uncommon for the air to bleed of, in front or rear resulting in an unleval istuation. I say when possable use the jacks, That is what they are disigned for.. Life is good. Wellcome to the forum