OK! Now we can see where it goes.
Your circuit JA is not a big help on ID as it is kind of generic for lots of things but it does let me find it really easy just scanning on the drawings and I did find the plug.
The two wire plug is the one we might want to check first as it has JA as battery and JP as gound and those are both the vital things we need to check.
I did some snips to cut the clutter down to what we need to look at for this issue.
click these snips or go direct for the whole story.
This drawing is what I looked at for info:
Looking at sheet 2 of that drawing, the plug is at where 7 and D would cross.
following JP it goes down and direct to the ground buss bar. Shown on same page?
If you can test which is missing on the two wire plug, you can cut the chase in half and only search out the missing one! But if needing to find the buss bas for ground, it is likely attached/bolted directly on the frame. Possibly behind the batteries? Note that there may be more than one ground buss bar, so count the wires and ID before assuming you have the correct one! The wires should have the same ID stamp at each end.
The power comes to the radio plug on JA from the fuse panel. But we have to look at two sheets to get the full path. There is too much info for one page so they are laid out as bing several pages laid side by side, so the line for JP leaves sheet two at top left and comes back onto the drawings at sheet 2 frame 2 at top right! Printed out and laid in a line, it makes sense!
It is hard to see on the computer after posting but JA goes out to left as I have posted here and comes back at right on a much smaller snip where it goes to the fuse panel.
But on the way it also feeds a TV wallplate??? One might need to check if that TV plate is working or not?? If missing the 12Volts side, checking that plate will be a clue for where the fault is found.
Yellow wire battery, white ground and one not getting there?
It may be that the fuse looks good but is not actually making connections at the mount or they can blow and not look like it at times.
See if that makes sense and let us know. Always nice to find out if we find the goose on these chases!!
EDIT: Notice that this fuse panel is the same As I mentioned in post 5 but that shows it as monitor panel and they did not mention the radio as being on that also. I'm guessing it will NOT be the fuse as that puts out several other things like the monitor panel but not to overlook that point as being the right fuse, just not labeld for ALL it feeds!!!