we're heading to AZ later from chicago later this year and will leave the rig winterized until we get far enough south. our first and possibly 2nd nite out are usually in a motel that accepts pets and has a truck parking lot. if you're going to stay in the RV then plan on carrying a few gallons of water fir drinking and cooking as well as a gallon or two of the pink RV antifreeze for flushing the toilet.
once we're far enough south we de-winterize simply by hooking up to fresh water and flushing out the RV antifreeze (pink stuff). turn on the water and then open each faucet one at a time starting with the faucet farthest from the water hookup. don't forget the john, shower and any outdoor faucets. run each one until the water is clear. run your icemaker (if you have one) until you get clear ice. don't install any of your interior water filters...fridge or whole-house until all of the pink is gone.
if it's still winter back home when you're leaving AZ i'd either do the winterization myself or hire it out if you're unsure or unable.
safe travel.
rich, n9dko
2016 Itasca Suncruiser 38Q