Just wanted to say, in appreciation!
..how valuable this site, and all its forums have been to my 'huh..mmm...NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT!!!!' reads and helpful hints from other member's postings and RV/TT experiences.
In point...NEVER thought that I was **NOT** getting any benefit from my enclosed tanks and insulation, **WITHOUT** running my furnace, and not as I felt so smugly...was saving propane, by running this last late Fall camping with some nights near or at a few degrees above freezing, with my MicroFurnace, which although worked like a charm to keep my TT's interior at a comfortable 72 F...but...the furnace's duct-work below decks, was not doing its 'thang' to protect my tanks!
This fact (and tip) I learned from being on this site. So...again..a great source of 'didn't know that!', happening here.
Cheers, all...keep those postings, experiences, and tips coming...learning new stuff, with every visit...! Been TT'ing since the age of 23, and am still reading, and thinking;..."man, I didn't know that...or never THOUGHT of that!".
Sun Seeker