Originally Posted by jeepfamRV
I wish the sewer aim was that easy. The gray water elbow actually sits 3 inches lower than the black water elbow and the outlet is in the middle. So when draining the black water rushes past the outlet and fills the grey water elbow first before filling up enough to go out the outlet. Yes the grey then pushes most of the black out after but it never fully drains out of the pipes and after driving the next time I go to empty things its sitting at the cap and comes out all over the cabinet and on me the first time.
We had a similar problem with our old Jayco trailer. The tanks were a long way from the outlet and some water (and other stuff) always stayed in the pipes only to work its way to the cap down the road.
I found a cap with a smaller threaded fitting designed to use with a water hose. So my routing became holding the large hose (or a plastic container) under the cap and opening the smaller fitting to drain the pipe.
Needless to say, I like emptying the tanks in the current RV much better.