Wow, Eagle5, I could write a book on the differences of each and my experiences with them! I had a Cobra Class C, a Minnie Winnie Class C, a Fleetwood Class C, a Rialta, a 31' Georgetown Class A, 35' Georgetown Class A, a Thor Serrano Diesel Class A, and now the Fuse. The 'C's were when our 4 kids were young. After the kids grew up, we felt that since it was only the two of us, the Rialta would fit best. After a couple of years the Rialta just made us think that we needed more room, hence the move to the first Georgetown. We liked that coach and that's why we moved up to the larger Georgetown for even more space. Everybody has to try a diesel at least once in their life so that was our move to the Serrano. Now that I am getting older, my wife prefers to have something she feels more comfortable driving under any condition. And so, that explains the move back to the Fuse since we wanted to get away as cheaply as possible..