Yes, they're both new features on the 2021 Promaster chassis used in the new 2021 Travatos and advertised as such on Winnebago's website.
They're enabled/disabled via settings in the factory uConnect system and what I think happened is that upon delivery to Winnebago, one of the factory builders disabled them using the factory radio but then didn't re-enable them before the factory radio was pulled and replaced with the new Pioneer DMH-1500NEX radio and Maestro system. All my research on it indicates that not only is the Pioneer radio itself not compatible with those new features but the entire Maestro system isn't compatible with the 2021 Promaster chassis itself even though it is working as far as the sensors go (TPM, gauges, etc). If you go to the Maestro website you cannot even select the new 2021 Promaster chassis when searching for any of their products. And I can't even find any firmware updates for it either as it's not reporting back any firmware version that exists on their website.
Maybe that's a special thing between Winnebago and Maestro, but I doubt it.
If you go on Crutchfield's website and plug in 2021 Promaster as the vehicle they even tell you it's not advisable to change the factory radio. Something tells me that Winnebago itself didn't perform proper testing and due diligence before opting to change out the factory radio in these things. They just figured that "well, its always worked in the 2020 Promaster and below chassis so why wouldn't it work in the 2021?" without actually researching it first.
That's OK, I'm a fairly easygoing guy - they'll either fix it and get those features working or they'll take it back and give me all my money back and reimburse me extra for my trouble. These are features they advertise on their website as "Blind Spot Assist" and "Crosswind Assist".
Something tells me that since they're actually enabled and disabled via the uConnect system in the factory radio that they probably can't re-enable them without installing the factory uConnect radio and if the new uConnect radios are locked to actual serial numbers in the chassis components then they might have a real problem on their hands with this one. Not sure if they can be activated via a Dodge OBD-II computer with the Promaster system loaded into it via the chassis ODB-II port or not. Winnebago's own engineers don't know, which is very troubling as it seems that they don't know how the systems work on the chassis they're building RVs on.
This also leaves me to believe there are no real QA/QC checklist procedures being performed on these models before they leave the factory either because every time you turn the key it pops up "BLIND SPOT ASSIST DISABLED" on the dash display itself.
Also the new digital rear view mirror itself is awesome and should be standard on every RV going forward, that's how effective and useful it is.