We can shoot ourselves in the foot and just when we feel good about what we're doing!
No big thing, just have to back up a bit and try again!
So step one might be to tell us exactly which year make and model you have as a way to narrow down the chase. No use talking about parts if you don't have those parts!!!
This is a link to the wiring where you can choose exactly which RV and then go to drawings that fit for you:
In this case when you have likely put 110 AC on the ground/neutral of the RV, I would start by looking at the 110AC drawings to see how it all lays out. I might expect your RV to come in on the power cord or generator to the transfer switch as it decides which has power and does the decision of which feed to use.
From the transfer switch it likely goes to a power center (fuse or breaker box?).
My first look might be to locate the power center, turn off all the breakers as a way cut the chase until we know more. Opening all the breakers removes any faults that are farther down the line!
Then try the generator or power cord and see what you get. If things are really bad, this may trip the new breaker on the power or trip one which is hidden on the generator itself, so if it looks like it tries to come on but only for a few seconds, check whether one of the has tripped. I say the one on the generator is hidden as it is often overlooked but I think of it as being real close to the output switch right near the front of the genset.
Just be aware that we might expect it???
But you may find it works okay up to that point and then I would try turning each main breaker on and slowly flipping more breakers to see if there is anything that doesn't want to work.
As a clue, is the load center near the stove and you heard the main breaker there as it tripped?